Never too Late to Write

One thing I have been proud of over the years has been the way I have gotten to know my students and have allowed them to know me. The old saying, “My pride and joy,” definitely fits the way I feel about my students. I have spent hours correcting their papers and even more time preparing the lessons I had been assigned to teach. I have spent so many hours doing these things that I didn’t spend enough time staying on top of my own thing–my writing. I’ve had to come to terms with this and with the action of allowing my writing to stall at the way side; after all, the main reason I went to college was to study Creative Writing.

Do We Ever Stop Teaching

During the pandemic, I stopped teaching, and so it was at this time that I realized I had all the time in the world for whatever I wanted to do. And it was also at this time that the realization sank in: I was no longer teaching and both my kids were grown and out of the house. It became even clearer and more important that I finally achieve the goal I had held for years: to see what I can do, and it was at this time that the desire to go back to my writing hit me.

After spending the morning on a writing project, one afternoon, while I was finishing up so I could take a brief nap, I was hit with the idea that I’m not alone in this. And upon contemplation I also realized I could do the two things dearest to me: teach while writing and this time I would get them both done. I decided I could assist others and coach them to the fulfillment of their writing projects. I also know that even though many people do not have the same background I do, they still have the same desire that I have: to express themselves and share their experiences through writing.

Never too Late to Start Over

As retirees, or close to being retirees, or people who weren’t able to finish college for whatever reason, we don’t have to feel like we are delegated to a corner of the house or to a chair before the tv so that we can watch as life passes us by. We can still do whatever we need or want to do to make our lives count. It is time for us to stop feeling bad because we didn’t do whatever we wanted to do or that we didn’t accomplish what we wanted to. Starting today, let’s take on a new persona with a new attitude. Let’s begin to think and to tell everyone, especially through our writings, that it is now our time. Let’s create a new mantra and say throughout the day:

It’s now my time.

Let’s keep this going and remind ourselves continually as we write those stories, those poems, and those memoirs:

Let’s remind ourselves

We are valuable

and we still have a lot to offer

Published by rebeccaguerrero54

I have been teaching writing classes at several universities in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas for many years. I love writing, and I love helping others with their writing. At one of the universities I have also been responsible for the Writing Center and all the activities there. ESL is also one of my strengths.

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